The Perfect Edge — Best Review Yet!

Jeff Branch of Pelham, Alabama wrote the most comprehensive, flattering review of The Perfect Edge yet in his blog. Yes, this post is a shameless shill for my book but when it gets such a great and thorough review I just have to pass it along. BTW, The Perfect Edge is being printed in a paper back version as I write this. If you prefer hardback, better hurry. Also, our $10 Blade Bucks Coupon offer is still in effect: buy a copy through the website and we’ll include a coupon for $10 off a subsequent order from Hock Tools (and I’ll sign your copy for you, too).

Thanks, Jeff. A great review in a most excellent blog.

Three Sharpening Post Links

John’s belt grinder mod

Three recent blog posts have come to my attention and I thought I’d pass along the links.  They make more sense, IMHO, viewed in this order:

#1> John Eugster of Sin City Woodworkers wrote a piece for his Woodworks by John blog about building a fixture-box to convert an inexpensive 1 x 30″ belt grinder to a precise blade grinder.

#2>  Bookbinder Jeff Peachey posted a 40-second video depicting his knife stropping technique.

#3> Tom Iovino of Tom’s Workbench fame (1000 posts and counting!) published an informative piece in which he examines various ways to determine how sharp an edge is, complete with photos (one of which is kinda scary hairy.)







I warned you

Start Spreadin’ the News…

Hock Spokeshave Kit (#KSP062) before and after

Linda and I are heading for the Big Apple (does anyone still call it that?) where we’ll be conducting a plane-tuning clinic and a spokeshave-building workshop at Makeville Studio in Brooklyn during the afternoon and evening of October 25th. The event will take place under the auspices of Tools for Working Wood and promises to be a fun, productive day. We’ll offer three spokeshave-making sessions and will attempt to solve all the hand plane problems that walk in the door. And as the day comes to an end, we’ll talk about, well, whatever you want me to talk about for an hour or so. We’ll even have a few copies of  The Perfect Edge available for signing.

Joel Moskowitz of Tools for Working Wood

My thanks in advance to Joel, of TWW, for putting all this together — read more in his blog entry about it.  Space for the spokeshave sessions is limited so please sign up soon! We’re excited about our trip and look forward to seeing everyone next month in New York, New York (so nice they, oh, you know).

That’s me explaining the fine points of plane performance

LN Hand Tool Event at the Crucible! But…

This floor needs sanding and finishing!

… I’m sorry to say that we won’t be there. Linda and I have always had a great time at the Crucible for the Lie-Nielsen events and we couldn’t be more pleased that it’s been moved to a warmer time of year (as with last time — much nicer!) But this year conflicts with the floor renovation in our living room. The contractors are scheduled for next week and we need to be here for them. The kitchen is finished (well, there’s always something that still needs to be done) so now the living room has to catch up. We already did the floor in the kitchen — we had the fir and redwood sub-floor sanded and finished. It was never intended to be a finished floor but it looks rustically beautiful. It’s the “barn floor” look which offsets the visual formality of the new cabinets very nicely.

We love our new kitchen and its “barn floor”!

So we’ll be home working on the house while you are at the Crucible, visiting with toolmakers and woodworkers — experts in both! We’ll be there in spirit and hope you can be there in reality. It’s a great venue and Lie-Nielsen always does us all proud. Have fun!